Corona deaths a "terrifying number" in America 6 weeks before the presidential elections!

 On Tuesday, the United States recorded more than 200,000 deaths from the emerging coronavirus, according to Johns Hopkins University, 6 weeks before the presidential election.

The reference tally of the Baltimore-based university listed 200,000 and five deaths Tuesday morning from 6.9 million infections, which makes the emerging corona virus "Covid-19" this year the third cause of death in the United States.


On the other hand, the World Health Organization reported a record increase in the number of people infected with the "Covid-19 disease, which is caused by the emerging corona virus," after the number of infected people around the world touched the one million mark.


The statistics of the World Health Organization revealed that the spread of the Covid-19 epidemic is accelerating in the world, as a record number of announced infections were recorded during 7 days last week, amounting to about two million, although the number of deaths decreased.


The organization announced in updated data that one million and 998 thousand and 897 new cases of the new corona were recorded around the world in the week that ended on September 20.


The international body stated that this represents an increase of 6 percent from the previous week and "the highest number of injuries recorded within one week since the beginning of the epidemic."


Since it first appeared in China late last year, the virus has infected more than 31 million people around the world and has killed about 962,000, according to a toll prepared by AFP based on official sources on Monday.


The French Press Agency quoted the Health Organization as saying that almost all regions of the world witnessed an increase in the number of injuries last week, while the number of injuries in Europe and the Americas increased by 11 and 10 percent, respectively.
