Donald Trump Vs Joe Biden,The First debates of the American presidential election start strong

 A fraught debate that brought together Donald Trump, the current US president and Republican candidate for the upcoming presidential elections, and Joe Biden, a former vice president and Democratic Party candidate for the same elections, in the first debate that brings together the candidates before the third election of next November.

The debate, which was held in exceptional circumstances due to the repercussions of the "Corona" pandemic, which lasted for an hour and a half, during which each of the aforementioned candidates tried to present their most important efforts to convince the Americans that he is the best candidate to lead the United States during the next four years.

As previously planned, this debate included six main themes; These are the controversy over Trump's nomination of Judge Amy Barrett in the Supreme Court, the Coronavirus crisis, the economic situation in the country, in addition to the issue of ethnicity and violence in cities, and the axis of election integrity.

In addition to these topics, the debate included President Trump's tax records, which were published by the "New York Times", in addition to the topic of climate change, at a time when the west coast of the country is witnessing a large wave of fires.

Trump has entered this debate and needs to win it; Given that he lags in most poll results, voters in more than 30 states began casting their ballots.

Tense start

Unlike previous debates, candidates were not given the opportunity to present a speech before questions were asked. Journalist Chris Wallace, the debate moderator, directly began directing his questions to the two candidates.

From the start, Trump adopted an offensive strategy and tried to dominate the debate; By boycotting the democratic candidate, and defending his economic outcome and government plans that were approved to confront the repercussions of the "Corona" virus.

On the other hand, Biden tried to direct harsh criticism of the way the Trump administration managed the "Corona" crisis, considering that this administration had failed to confront the virus and contributed to the loss of more than 200,000 American citizens of their lives.

After that, Trump entered into a charged conversation with Chris Wallace, accusing him of being biased towards the other side; Meanwhile, the journalist on the conservative "Fox News" channel replied that he was not facing Trump, and that the president's opponent was Biden.

After that, the tense atmosphere continued between Biden and Trump. What prompted Wallace to intervene by saying: "Gentlemen, I hate to raise my voice, but the agreement is that we have six parts ... and when we move to the second part ... you will each get two minutes to speak without interruption," adding: "You will provide a service to the country if you both are allowed to speak." without interruption".

Between Trump's taxes and Hunter Biden

After getting into quarrels over the files of "Corona", the economy and the Supreme Court, Wallace addressed a question to the president about his tax records, which were published by the "New York Times" last Sunday. Trump denied what was included in the newspaper's report, and stressed that he "paid millions of dollars to tax interests over years." .

"The New York Times" revealed that Trump did not pay any income tax during ten of the last 15 years, at a time when Trump denied what the newspaper reported.

On the other hand, Trump tried to divert the debate about Hunter Biden, the son of the Democratic Party candidate, accusing him of benefiting from his father's position in the previous administration, and his assumption of a leadership position in the Ukrainian energy company Parisma.

Biden maintained his calm during his response to Trump's accusations about his son, and denied the corruption charges that Republicans kept stuck to his son Hunter, adding: "This debate is not about my family or the Trump family, but rather the American people, he does not want to talk about what the country needs."

Trump tried, on several occasions, to return to the topic of Biden's son, and appeared to be trying to avoid providing answers to his policies. He pointed his compass to the left when asked about right-wing extremist groups.

On the other hand, Biden directed his attack at Trump, and said: "This is a president who is doing everything possible to generate hatred, racism and division," adding: "This man has done almost nothing for black Americans," as he put it.

At one point in the debate, Biden lost his temper and changed his tone, when he told Trump, "Shut up, man," as he described him as a "clown", before asking the debate moderator to stop him.

A modest presence of health and an absence of foreign policy

Although the United States of America is going through one of the most serious health crises in recent decades, the issue of health care was very modestly attended during this debate.

Biden linked the issue of health care to Trump's candidate for the Supreme Court, saying that she "believes that the Health Care Act is not constitutional, and that it will work to repeal it."

On the other hand, when asked about this health care, Trump attacked Chris Wallace, the moderator of the debate, saying: "I think I am looking for you, not Biden." What brought the debate in a charged atmosphere.

As was expected, the foreign policy file was absent from this debate. While it is expected that a large amount of space will be allocated from the last debate between the candidates for the external files, as was the custom during the previous debates.

Immediately after the debate was violated, most of the interveners in the American channels expressed their dissatisfaction with the approach taken by this debate, to the point where it was described by some media outlets as the "tribal debate."

In the same context, George Stephanopoulos, the American media and former director of communication in the White House, said that he had directed a number of previous presidential debates and worked with candidates to prepare for these debates; “But I have never seen a worse debate in my life,” he says.

It is expected that the two candidates will face each other again on the fifteenth of next October, before the last debate, which will be held on the twenty-second of the same month, days before the elections.

Awaiting the results of opinion polls on the opinions of Americans on this debate, data received from a number of American states indicate that more than one million and 200 thousand American voters have cast their votes in the framework of early voting.

And awaiting the results of opinion polls on the opinions of Americans on this debate, data received from a number of US states indicate that more than one million and 200 thousand American voters have cast their votes in the framework of early voting, and it is expected to double in the coming weeks.
