In a new press release .. "Bill Gates" reveals his expectations as to the date of the end of the "Corona" pandemic!

 It seems that Bill Gates cannot stop declaring his views on the Corona virus these days, in his recent speech he predicted that the epidemic will end by 2022, thanks to the vaccines in which he has invested heavily.

In an interview with Fox News (Fox News), the founder of "Microsoft" predicted that for people in the United States, life will return to normal by the summer of 2021, due to the progress made in developing vaccines against the disease.

Gates said that he expects the United States to approve vaccines for public use early next year. Therefore, he said he was "optimistic" because the epidemic "will not continue indefinitely".

Speaking to the program on Sunday, Bill added: "The end of the epidemic? Maybe in 2022. But during 2021, we should be able to reduce the numbers if we take the global approach. So, you know, vaccine technology is there, funding has arrived, companies are putting in better." Its staff to develop. That is why I am optimistic that this will not last indefinitely. "

He also said he believed the US Food and Drug Administration could grant approval for "three or four" formulas of vaccines.

Gates said that the question of how to distribute the doses will appear next, expressing his disappointment that the United States has not developed plans to manufacture and distribute vaccines in poor countries.

Bill Gates is known as a major investor in the pharmaceutical sector, and has committed millions of dollars to develop seven different vaccines against "Covid-19" alone. He previously said that between 70 and 80% of the world's population should be vaccinated against the virus, before anyone hopes to lead a normal life again, according to what was reported on the "RT" website.
