White House spokeswoman Kylie McNani is infected with the Corona virus

 White House Press Secretary Kylie McCannani announced, on Monday, that she had been infected with the Coronavirus "Covid-19", after her test result came out positive.

McNani said, in a tweet on Twitter, that her results on Thursday, when President Donald Trump announced that he had Corona, were negative, but today the test results were positive.

The White House spokesman added that she "does not show any symptoms."

This comes at a time when a US administration official announced, today, Monday, that the results of the examination of Vice President Mike Pence and his wife to detect infection with the Coronavirus "Covid-19" came negative for the second time in less than a week.

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On Friday, a spokesman for the US Vice President said that the result of the Corona tests that Pence underwent was negative, hours after President Trump announced that he had Covid-19 disease and was subject to quarantine.

US President Donald Trump was transferred to the military hospital two days ago, after it was confirmed that he and his wife Melania were infected with the Corona virus.

The US President showed a strong response to the treatment and his condition has improved, as confirmed by his private doctor yesterday.

Trump left the military hospital this morning and returned to the White House to participate in leading his election campaign from a distance while he continues to receive Corona treatment.

With his battle entering the countdown stage in front of his Democratic opponent, Joe Biden, US President Donald Trump is keen not to lose what he excels at, which is electoral appearances, even if he is bombarded with deadly viruses.

The Republican president, who has often been criticized for underestimating preventive measures against the Coronavirus, has once again hit these instructions out of the wall, by appearing in a car and saluting his supporters in front of the hospital in which he is being treated.

An emergence angered the medical teams, who saw in it a violation of the public health measures imposed by his administration, which oblige those affected by the global epidemic, to isolate themselves while they are still receiving treatment, so that they do not pose a danger to those around them.

It is likely that Trump's close assistant, Hope Hicks, was the one who transmitted the Corona infection to the American president and his wife, especially since the announcement of her infection with the Corona virus preceded the announcement of the infection of the President and the first lady hours.
